Friday, February 21, 2014

Four new videos for Scanpan

This January I've been working on four new videos for Scanpan. This videos were suposed to be using old footage we already shot in 2012, but I asked to be back in Denmark because I came up with some new ideas that could make them better. I had a positive answer and we took advantadge to shoot new machinery at the factory.
As I was going back, they planned a shooting day at Hotel d'Anglaterre, as its restaurant hosts one of the best danish cookers, Ronny Emborg. I was amazed with his work and being able to shoot with him and his team was a great honor.

What we shot at hotel d'Anglaterre illustrates part of the brand video:

The other three videos feature product lines and were mainly shot at the studio. I've tried to approach them differently both visually and with the music.